Monday, July 30, 2007

The Flooztastic Four

Lindsay Lohan...Another troubled celebrity for us to gawk and shake our heads at. We're all well aware of the many antics celebrities take part in by the grace of technology. But the rate at which Lindsay Lohan's current legal troubles are shooting through the grapevine is comical in a rather sad and pathetic way. As if Britney Spears' antics over the last year or so wasn't enough, Lohan's current coccaine possession and hostage-taking allegations puts the icing on the cake of celebrity stupidity. Doesn't there seem to be an increasing trend of female celebrities, all of whom are admired and adored by many teenage girls, finding themselves in trouble with the law or themselves? Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie... this list looks more like a hall of shame rather than a list of current popular culture icons that many females look up to. As you watch your brothers, sisters, cousins, and friends glued to the tube watching the latest celebrity buzz do you find yourself wishing that what you were watching was actually part of a movie? I certainly do. I can't say I'm thrilled that so many teens that I know find themselves obsessed with the lives of celebrities as if they were living these lives themselves. As powerful figures in North American culture, these women represent the troubling prospects of the ever-challenging search for female role models. Hopefully teenaged girls are smart enough to know that being dumb and living a life of excess doesn't equal a happy or fulfilling life. Furthermore, their actions have the potential to affect the teenage male's (and any male's for that matter) perception of females as a whole. It's bad enough that boys have to fight off their judgement-impairing raging hormones, but to have these celebrities as examples of successful women contributes nothing to lessen that blow. Is this the culture that we want our teens growing up in? These Drama Queens need to get schooled in a lesson on life.

Jamie Chan
Summer Coordinator
Student Life NOW!

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